Our Terms & Conditions
In accessing our website, all users agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this section. These terms and conditions may change at our discretion at any time, and without notice.
The information contained on this website is accurate to the best of our knowledge, as of the date of the last update. We reserve the right to correct errors or inaccuracies and change or update information on this website at any time.
Claridge Homes accepts zero liability arising from the use or misuse of the contents, and reserves the right to update or eliminate information, and to limit or prevent access temporarily or permanently.
Claridge Homes accepts zero liability for any information foreign to this website, including information not created by Claridge Homes, or published under its name. Claridge Homes also rejects responsibility for any information published on third party websites connected via links to this site.
Claridge Homes is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur due to the use of computers infected with viruses, nor for the consequences or malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated browser versions.
The reproduction, copy, use, distribution, marketing, public communication or any other possible activity with the information contained on this website, done without the express authorization of Claridge Homes is a violation punishable under the legislation currently in force.
Please refer to our privacy policy regarding the use and protection of personal information.